We always can forgive anyone and whatever they done, but do we can forget whatever that happen?
To forgive and to forget is a really something that bind each other, you can't really forgive if you cant forget.
Am I right?
I try to forget you, to forget whatever you done, to forget the pain and to forgive.
But seem that forget is harder than forgiving.
Love really a problem I think, but when He love us do He also get through all this?
I think maybe He go through even more and even more hurtful than what we having.
But yet He choose to continue to love.
New year, new sem, I also wanted to continue to love.
Not in just in the form of relationship but also everything.
To love what I having and what am I now.
After so long only know what had happen on one of my friend (a she)
Just an advise.
Don't ever regret.
Is better to try and lose and get the courage up to try compare to losing without trying.
The courage can be find anywhere, from us maybe? XD
and for sure is from Him.
He not even fear of fail, fear of not getting back love.
He do whatever best for us.
So please do whatever the best for your own and the other one. What you think is right.
May God Bless you.
For me? God blessed me a lot just that I am irrational and intolerance.
I think I need to continue to seek for Him, His path.